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Labor and Workforce Development

The Labor and Workforce Development Task Force covers all issues related to labor and workforce development including employee rights, minimum wage, working conditions, automation and its consequences, retirement security and unions. Shares the issue of workforce training with the Education Task Force. Shares the issues of migrant workers with the Immigration and Agriculture Task Forces. Shares the issues of equal pay, and employment discrimination, including hidden discrimination, with the Human and Civil Rights Task Force. Shares issues like workforce development (with that Task Force), or of racism and racial inequity in schools, and undocumented immigrant or DREAMER access to education with the Education Task Force.

Task Force Leadership 2024-2025

Special Priorities of the Labor and Workforce Development Task Force:

  1. Minimum Wage, including tipped worker minimum wage
  2. Expanding workforce development opportunities in and through apprenticeships
  3. Addressing the skills gap
  4. How the Gig Economy is affecting Hispanic employment and opportunities
  5. Protecting Unions
  6. Increasing Latino workforce in the Federal government

Recent Resolutions


Combatting Wage Theft with Particular Emphasis in the Construction Industry


Publish Compensation Range for Job Openings


Fair Policies to Protect Farmworkers and Other Workers from Climate Change Hazards


Paid Medical and Family Leave


Equal Pay


Encouraging Traditional Workplace Benefits for Workers in the Gig Economy


Enacting Professional and Occupational Testing and Licensing for Dreamers


Expanding Apprenticeship Programs


In support of the American Jobs Act, and other Federal Efforts to Close the Divide in Employment and Help Struggling Americans to Realized a Full and Vigorous Economic Recovery